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- Daily Field Report Report ID: 1553
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Daily Field Report
Date :01/19/2021
Project No :
Client Company :DR Horton
Arrival Time :01/19/2021 08:00
Onsite Hours :06:00
Name of the Project :Monet Gardens
Project Location :River Road at Green Pastures Way, Ellenwood, GA
Weather :Cloudy
Departure Time :01/19/2021 14:00
ASEC Technician Name :Dave Bek
The site was visited by the undersigned AS Engineering and Consulting (ASEC) representative for the purpose of providing quality control inspection and testing services. Visual observation techniques were employed to assure compliance with project drawings/specifications, applicable codes, and materials submittals. The following observations were made on site today:
- An inspection was performed on the footings made for Wall 1, located along the western most part of lot 9 (begin STA 0+00.00 , end STA 0+94.50)
- Two DCP tests were performed(See DCP results) where the section 55’ – 94.5’ was within plan specifications, and from 0’ to 55’ showed an average blow count (at a depth of 2 feet) of 1 – 2 blows. The Contractor was advised to remove about 1 foot of this loose material below proposed bottom of footing elevation compact the bottom and bring it up with #34 stone wrapped in a filter fabric. Ram Mogulla of ASEC was also present on site on this day.
- The contractor was informed and those areas were dug out with a skid steer loader, roughly 2 – 3 feet was cut and compacted with new fill material, which was then probed and found to be within plan specifications.
- Digging began on the sewerline (along Cannon Walk) from an area directly in front of lot 14 headed south toward the end of the cul-de-sac. Work was delayed as a city inspector was waited on.
- Grading work was performed on Lots 10 – 13.

Technician Signature / DateDave Bek, January 19, 2021
Reviewer Name / DateRamchandra Mogulla, August 02, 2021