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Daily Field Report

Date :05/15/2021
Project No :
Client Company :Toll Bros. Inc.
Arrival Time :05/15/2021 08:00
Onsite Hours :08:00
Name of the Project :Northfields at Polo Fields
Project Location :4805 Pittman Road, Forsyth County, Georgia
Weather :Sunny
Departure Time :05/15/2021 16:00
ASEC Technician Name :Andrew McCullough


Northfields 5-15-21

The site was visited by the undersigned AS Engineering and Consulting (ASEC) representative for the purpose of providing quality control inspection and testing services. Visual observation techniques were employed to assure compliance with project drawing/specifications, applicable codes, and materials submittals. The following observation were made on site today.

  1. The inspector visually observed the placement of the sewer line form the previously laid 14’ East of MH A2 and continued East to lateral #35/1. All pipe installed today in this area were installed in accordance with the project specifications. No backfill of this area was performed this day.
  2. MH B2 and MH B3 along with the connecting sewer was installed during the above activities. During the installation, lateral #24 was also installed. All pipe and manholes were installed in accordance with the project specifications. Approximately 5’ of fill was placed in the above mentioned area. Random exploratory penetration testing was utilized to verify compaction in this area. Based on testing the fill placed today between +1’ and +6’ above the pipe was compacted according to project specifications.
  3. During the above mentioned activities, remediation on the East side of Creek Crossing #1 has commenced. De-mucking of North side of creek crossing of the area was observed to a depth that would facilitate the placement of the previously proposed stone bridge. After the saturated soils where excavated, the contractor dug a dewatering well at the lowest portion of the area and graded the creek crossing to drain all ground water to this point. The area was left over the weekend to be pumped in preparation for the placement of stone on Monday. This area was measured and agreed upon by the site inspector as well as the superintendent Morris Puckett. The area this day was 75×50 at a depth of 1’.


Technician Signature / DateAndrew McCullough, May 15, 2021
Reviewer Name / DateRamchandra Mogulla, June 13, 2021