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- Daily Field Report Report ID: 21843
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Daily Field Report
The site was visited by the undersigned AS Engineering and Consulting (ASEC) representative for the purpose of providing quality control inspection and testing services. Visual observation techniques were employed to assure compliance with project drawings/specifications, applicable codes, and materials submittals. The following observations were made on site today
Upon arrival to the site the writer observed that excavation and placement of (approximately) 26 LF of piping from BA-50 to BA-40 was in progress. Due to the in-climate weather the previous day, a moisture test was completed by the writer, the excavated soil was found to be at 23.5% and well within the acceptable range. (optimum moisture 22.2%) therefore it was recommended to CGU contractors to continue with compaction efforts. A single Hitachi Excavator was used to excavate to a approximate depth of 5 – 6 ft. A sub-grade evaluation was performed, and through visual observation and manual probing, the writer found the underlying sub-grade to be an acceptable, hard red-brown silty sand w/ rock material. 6” of 57 stone was added for the bedding prior to pipe placement. Fill dirt was added in (approximately) 8 -12 inch lifts. A Wacker-Neuten remote sheep’s foot roller was used to compact each lift. Density tests were performed on the fill compaction. Based on the density test results, visual observation of the material placed and random probing of the placed lifts, the fill placed was found to be acceptable and within plan specifications.
The contractor continued excavation work from BA40 to BA30 (approximately 204 LF), A sub-grade evaluation was performed, and through visual observation and manual probing, the writer found the underlying sub-grade to be an acceptable, hard red-brown silty sand w/ rock material. 6” of 57 stone was added for the bedding prior to pipe placement. Density tests were performed on the fill compaction. Based on the density test results, visual observation of the material placed and random probing of the placed lifts, the fill placed was found to be acceptable and within plan specifications.

BA-50 to BA-40

BA40 to BA30