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Daily Field Report

Date :06/28/2021
Project No :
Client Company :Toll Bros. Inc.
Arrival Time :06/28/2021 08:00
Onsite Hours :06:00
Name of the Project :Northfields at Polo Fields
Project Location :4805 Pittman Road, Forsyth County, Georgia
Weather :Overcast
Departure Time :06/28/2021 14:00
ASEC Technician Name :Dave Bek


The site was visited by the undersigned AS Engineering and Consulting (ASEC) representative for the purpose of providing quality control inspection and testing services. Visual observation techniques were employed to assure compliance with project drawings/specifications, applicable codes, and materials submittals. The following observations were made on site today

Work continued on the damn along pond 1, using the onsite material excavated from a transfer pit along the non-structural areas of lot 7 and 8, with a Hitachi excavator, (approximately 19ft wide, 10 ft deep by 268 ft long.) located exclusively in the slope area, 5 ft off from underground piping half the excavated material was transferred via 2 Volvo dump trucks to the damn area long pond 1, where a Cat Bulldozer began spreading the material, the other half was stock piled on lot 9 (to be used for fill material on lot 10)

Excavation and placement for piping was also underway from OSA2 to HWA1 (pond 1 area) After reaching depth, sub-grade evaluations were performed, and through visual observation and manual probing, the writer found the underlying sub-grade to be an acceptable, hard red-brown silty sand w/ rock material. 6” of 57 stone was added for the bedding prior to pipe placement on both lines. Density tests were performed on the fill compaction. Based on the density test results, visual observation of the material placed and random probing of the placed lifts, the fill placed was found to be acceptable and within plan specifications.

The writer observed TJ Contracting (sub-contractor of CGU) contined excavation along A0 – A1 (along Pittman Rd.) in preparation for the pipe boring. Active pumping was required for the excavation area due to weekend rainfall had filled the area.

A0 - A1 Boring

OSA2 to HWA1

Damn Pond 1

Technician Signature / DateDave Bek, June 28, 2021
Reviewer Name / DateRamchandra Mogulla, July 15, 2021