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Daily Field Report

Date :08/11/2021
Project No :2021C074
Client Company :DR Horton West
Arrival Time :08/11/2021 07:30
Onsite Hours :03:30
Name of the Project :Oakhurst Glen - Ph 4
Project Location :Mallord Drive, South Fulton, GA
Weather :Partly cloudy
Departure Time :08/11/2021 11:00
ASEC Technician Name :Christopher Burrow II


As requested, an ASEC technician was present on the above mentioned job site. Moving dirt continued to form ramps up to boulders for the drill rig to access for drilling and blasting. Continued to move rock into place in fill areas.

Attached photo is the drill log for the above listed date as given by drill operator.

Technician Signature / DateChristopher Burrow II, August 11, 2021
Reviewer Name / DateRamchandra Mogulla, September 07, 2021