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- Daily Field Report Report ID: 34021
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Daily Field Report
As requested, a ASEC technician was present at the above referenced site for the purpose of conducting a basement wall footing inspection and bearing testing for lot #23
Slab appears to consist of #4 rebar rested on 3″ rod chairs spaced at approximately six 6″ inches on center. The bottom of the slab is covered with continuous poly vapor barrier lapping which wire mesh placed one 1″ from the bottom of slab. Slab preparations appear to be in accordance with Southeast Zone, Riverton, NPC plan number 1853.200, Pulte Structural drawing. The footing evaluation was performed by visual inspection, hand probing and dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP) testing.
During the evaluation, well compacted fill soils were encountered underlain by residual soils. These soils were found to be capable of supporting the building structure utilizing an allowable soil bearing pressure of 2,000 psf. The footings are the proper depth and width and have been prepared in accordance with IRC 2012 and the Georgia Amendments. Lot #23 is ready for concrete placement.
See attached DCP/Boring Sheet for full data.
The digging of piers was overseen by the above listed ASEC technician to strengthen the footing along with the placement of three lines of rebar through the footing. 17 total piers were dug at intervals of approximately 5’ in distance at the approximate size of 2’ by 3’ and varying depths of 3’ to 8’.
The superintendent has been notified of these findings.