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Daily Field Report

Date :11/19/2021
Project No :2021C082
Client Company :CCG Constructors LLC (Century)
Arrival Time :11/19/2021 08:00
Onsite Hours :06:00
Name of the Project :Estates at Old Friendship
Project Location :Buford, GA
Weather :Partly cloudy
Departure Time :11/19/2021 14:00
ASEC Technician Name :Christopher Burrow II


The undersigned ASEC Inspector was on site, on the above date, for the purpose of general site monitoring and assessment of contractor and subcontractor activities. The following are observations that were made at this time: On site to see if soil excavated from retention pond is suitable for structural fill on roadways. After testing and rolling it was determined that the soil is unsuitable in its current condition and a new solution is being sought.

Technician Signature / DateChristopher Burrow II, November 19, 2021
Reviewer Name / DateKenneth Mosman, February 16, 2023