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Daily Field Report

Date :01/28/2022
Project No :2021C073
Client Company :DR Horton West
Arrival Time :01/28/2022 12:30
Onsite Hours :03:00
Name of the Project :Tributary C2A
Project Location :Riverside Parkway, City of Douglasville, GA
Weather :Sunny
Departure Time :01/28/2022 15:30
ASEC Technician Name :Timothy Nevills


ASEC engineering representative arrived on site as requested to perform foundation bearing testing for the following locations:

Lots #154 – 156.

This evaluation was performed using a hand auger, dynamic cone penetrometer, and small diameter pro rod. 

ASEC representative has conducted foundation bearing tests in the referenced pad footing areas.

Soils in this area were found to have a soil bearing pressure of 2500 PSF.

If areas mentioned above should become wet or receive construction traffic prior to being covered, they should be re-evaluated by a qualified soils technician or geotechnical engineer.


DCP testing performed

Location of work performed

Technician Signature / DateTimothy Nevills, January 28, 2022
Reviewer Name / DateKenneth Mosman, February 11, 2022