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Daily Field Report

Date :02/01/2022
Project No :2021C078
Client Company :CCG Constructors LLC (Century)
Arrival Time :02/01/2022 07:00
Onsite Hours :05:30
Name of the Project :Pickens Landing Development
Project Location :Dacula, GA
Weather :36 sunny
Departure Time :02/01/2022 12:30
ASEC Technician Name :Russell Hendrix


The site was visited by the undersigned AS Engineering and Consulting (ASEC) representative for the purpose of providing quality control inspection and testing services. Visual observation techniques were employed to assure compliance with project drawings/specifications, applicable codes, and materials submittals. The following observations were made on site today:

A proof-roll was performed for the entrance and deceleration lane with the county inspectors in attendance.  All areas were deemed acceptable except for an area between the entrance and deceleration lane approximately 4 feet in width x 20 feet in length and to a depth of 15 inches.  Upon removing the existing graded aggregate base (GAB), it was discovered that the underlying subgrade materials were high in moisture content.  A recommendation to remove approximately 2 feet of these wets soil and replace with additional, compacted, GAB was made

A typical GAB proctor was used with a recommended 140 maximum dry density at 5-8% optimum moisture content.

Test #1

127.0 dry density

4.2% moisture

For a compaction result of 90.7%

A Bomag smooth drum roller was used for compaction on the final lift.

Technician Signature / DateRussell Hendrix, February 1, 2022
Reviewer Name / DateRamchandra Mogulla, December 12, 2022