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Daily Field Report

Date :04/15/2022
Project No :2022C128
Client Company :Century
Arrival Time :04/07/2022
Onsite Hours :
Name of the Project :Sidney Square, Flowery Branch
Project Location :Flowery Branch
Weather :55 sunny
Departure Time :04/07/2022
ASEC Technician Name :Russell Hendrix


The site was visited by the undersigned AS Engineering and Consulting (ASEC) representative for the purpose of providing quality control inspection and testing services. Visual observation techniques were employed to assure compliance with project drawings/specifications, applicable codes, and materials submittals. The following observations were made on site today:

A call was received from Brent Tucker, project manager for Century Homes, Inc in regard to a concern with a headwall being placed at the Sidney Square residential development.

Upon arrival it was observed that the headwall at location X1 had been placed on the previous day at an elevation of 1158. This headwall would hold the final section of 24-inch concrete storm drainpipe from the detention pond.

Ground water had intruded into the approximate 10-foot x 10-foot area where the headwall was placed at a depth of more than 6 inches. A pump was used to remove the water.

Upon probing the area with a 3/8-inch probe rod it was determined that the soil was easily penetrated to a depth of over 2 feet. It was also noted that the specifications for this project did not require any stone to be placed under the headwall or the 65 feet of 24-inch concrete storm pipe being placed.

An onsite meeting was held with Mr. Ram Mogulla, PE for ASEC to discuss required remediation.  The recommendation by Mr. Mogulla was to remove the headwall, enlarge the area to approximately 14 feet x 16 feet and excavate an additional 4 feet in depth.

This work was completed by the grading contractor George Pruitt, Inc with a Komatsu PC270. As requested, 3 feet of surge stone was placed.
It was also recommended that 12 inches of #57 stone be placed on top of the surge stone with the headwall on top. This work was not completed on this day.
It was noted that additional remediation may be required as the 65-foot line was excavated to the detention pond from X1 to X2.

See attached photos.

Technician Signature / DateRussell Hendrix, April 15, 2022
Reviewer Name / DateKenneth Mosman, April 24, 2022