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- Daily Field Report Report ID: 54071
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Daily Field Report
The site was visited by our AS Engineering and Consulting (ASEC) representative for the purpose of providing quality control inspection and testing services. Visual observation techniques were employed to assure compliance with project drawings/specifications, applicable codes, and materials submittals. The following observations were made on site today:
A request was made by Andrew Volzer, project engineer for CW Matthews to test and determine the soil bearing pressure for the future batch plant foundation located at 3513 Mulberry Rock Road in Dallas, Georgia, 30157. Steven Weeks with CW Matthews was also in attendance. No plans or specifications were provided other than a verbal requirement of 2500 psi given to our representative by CW Matthew personnel. It was indicated that the elevation could be lowered in some areas while fill would be required in others to complete the project.
The exact location and elevation of the future pads were unknown at this time. The approximate location was determined to be partially on a presently used gravel/dirt road used for truck hauling/transportation (see photo). Surface testing was impossible due to hand auger refusal in the rocky/dense surficial soils. A Komatsu excavator was used to excavate a 4 ft x 4 ft area to a depth of 2 feet below current grade. Three (3) independent areas were excavated with Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) testing performed. Results are stated below.
“Silo” vicinity (B-01)
2 feet below current grade – DCP blow count of 15 – Brown Silty Sand
3 feet below current grade – DCP blow count of 18 – White Sand
4 feet below current grade – DCP blow count of 20 – White Sand
5 feet below current grade – DCP blow count of 15 – White Sand
“Tank farm” vicinity (B-02)
2 feet below current grade – DCP blow count of 15 – Brown Sandy Silt with rock
3 feet below current grade – auger refusal
Offset – auger refusal
“Double Barrell” vicinity (B-03)
2 feet below current grade – DCP blow count of 14 – Red Sandy Silt with rock
3 feet below current grade – auger refusal
Offset – auger refusal
Offset – auger refusal
DCP testing indicated the soils were capable of supporting the structure utilizing an allowable soil bearing pressure of 2,500 psf at these locations.
A recommendation was made to Mr. Volzer for additional testing when an exact location and elevation could be established. CW Matthews will contact us when this information is known and the area in question ready for testing.