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Daily Field Report

Date :08/23/2022
Project No :2021C002
Client Company :CW Matthews
Arrival Time :08/23/2022 19:00
Onsite Hours :06:30
Name of the Project :Runway 9L End Around Taxiway
Project Location :HJAIA
Weather :Clear
Departure Time :08/24/2022 01:30
ASEC Technician Name :Jared Barrios


The ASEC representative arrived on site at 7:00 pm. The technicians as a collective were able to run 3 tests in total with the first test being the initial test. We created 2 sets of beams. Brandon gave me permission to depart at around 1:30 am to which I obliged.

Technician Signature / DateJared Barrios, August 23, 2022
Reviewer Name / DateRamchandra Mogulla, October 03, 2022