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- Daily Field Report Report ID: 54872
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Daily Field Report
As requested by CWM James Higgins, the site was visited by our AS Engineering and Consulting (ASEC) representative noted above, for the purpose of providing quality control inspection and testing services. Visual observation techniques were employed to assure compliance with project drawing/specifications, applicable codes, and materials submittals. The following observations were observed on site this day.
Site Observations:
Contractor continued work in the taxiway area from STA 442+00 to 445+00 and I-Line between I3-I4. Fill was placed and compaction testing requested.
GAB was placed on the taxiway shoulder edges from STA 415+00 to 418+00.
The Taxiway northeast of STA 444+00 to STA 444+50 was undercut 2′ to remove soft soils.
Density testing was performed using a Troxler nuke gauge (#3430, serial #29588).
Density testing results:
P2 Moisture Density Relationship (proctor) – 141.4 @ 5.7
M10 Moisture Density Relationship (proctor) – 124.0 @ 8.7
Recycled GAB Moisture Density Relationship (proctor) – 130.5 @ 8.0
T1 – elevation FG, STA 416+00 west shoulder edge, DD 140.0. M% 8.3, compaction 99.0%
T2 – elevation FG, STA 417+00 west shoulder edge, DD 141.1, M% 8.6, compaction 99.8%
T3 – elevation 985.0, 15′ north of I3, DD 120.5, M% 7.5, compaction 97.2%
T4 – elevation 985.0, 10′ south of I4, DD 116.1, M% 8.0, compaction 93.6%
T5 – STA 442+50 taxiway N shoulder, RG, DD 122.4, M% 7.0, compaction 93.8%
T6 – STA 442+00 taxiway N shoulder, RG, DD 122.0, M% 8.6, compaction 93.5%
T7 – STA 442+50 taxiway N shoulder, RG, DD 122.4, M% 9.2, compaction 93.8%