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Daily Field Report

Date :11/01/2022
Project No :2022C205
Client Company :Pulte
Arrival Time :11/01/2022 08:00
Onsite Hours :04:00
Name of the Project :Enclave at Parkway Village
Project Location :Union City
Weather :sunny
Departure Time :11/01/2022 12:00
ASEC Technician Name :Aminullah Azimi


Our ASEC representative visited the site at the contractor’s request to observe footing excavations for the shallow footings for Lot #97. The evaluation was performed by visual inspection, hand probing, and proof-rolling during backfill placement and dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP) testing.

During the evaluation, well-compacted fill soils were encountered underlain by residual soils within the planned building pad area. These soils were found to meet job specifications for an allowable soil-bearing pressure of 2,000 psf. The building pad appears to be satisfactory for slab placement.

AS Engineering and Consulting, LLC. appreciates the opportunity to be of service to you on this project. If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact us.


Technician Signature / DateVidal Dias, November 1, 2022
Reviewer Name / DateKenneth Mosman, November 13, 2022