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Daily Field Report

Date :11/03/2022
Project No :2022C136
Client Company :Century
Arrival Time :11/03/2022 13:00
Onsite Hours :03:00
Name of the Project :Logan Pointe
Project Location :Loganville
Weather :
Departure Time :11/03/2022 16:00
ASEC Technician Name :Vidal Dias


The undersigned ASEC representative was on site as requested by the Client

and/or Contractor to observe the contractor’s field. Visual observation techniques were employed to verify the soils were acceptable and did not contain any construction debris or organics. The soil placement zone are outlined in red on the attached map. The material delivered on this day appeared to be acceptable.


Technician Signature / DateVidal Dias, November 3, 2022
Reviewer Name / DateRamchandra Mogulla, November 11, 2022