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Daily Field Report

Date :11/21/2022
Project No :2022C135
Client Company :Mark Spain
Arrival Time :11/21/2022 13:00
Onsite Hours :04:00
Name of the Project : Barnett Shoals Road Development
Project Location :Watkinsville
Weather :cloudy
Departure Time :11/21/2022 17:00
ASEC Technician Name :Aminullah Azimi


As requested, our ASEC representative visited the site for the purpose of providing quality control inspection and testing services, visual observation techniques were employed to assure compliance with project drawing/specifications, applicable codes, and materials submittals. the following observations were observed on site this day.

Contractor continued work on the keyway, Fill was placed using a dozer.  Compunction was performed using a sheeps-foot roller.

Density testing was performed using a Troxler nuclear gauge (#3430, serial #85759). 

Density test results indicated that the compacted materials met the project specification of 95% of the maximum dry density obtained by the (Standard Proctor ASTM 698). See attached picture for approximate test locations.

Density testing result:

Moisture-Density Relationship (proctor) = 99.5 @ 22.1%

T1-elevation -2.5′ from the top of keyway, Yd 98.4, M%24.7, Compaction: 98.9%

T2-elevation -2.5′ from the top of keyway, Yd 97.03, M%24.7, Compaction: 97.5%

T3-elevation -2′ from the top of keyway, Yd 96.55, M%24.7, Compaction: 97.03%

T4-elevation -2′ from the top of keyway, Yd 95.2, M%24.7, Compaction: 95.7 %

Technician Signature / DateAminullah Azimi, November 21, 2022
Reviewer Name / DateKenneth Mosman, January 16, 2023