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Daily Field Report

Date :01/10/2023
Project No :2022C227
Client Company :Artisan
Arrival Time :01/10/2023 08:00
Onsite Hours :08:00
Name of the Project :Riverwalk Manor (CMT) Unit 2, PH 4E and 4F
Project Location :Dallas
Weather :Sunny
Departure Time :01/10/2023 16:00
ASEC Technician Name :Vidal Dias


Our AS ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING (ASEC) visited the site at the contractor’s request to observe soil placement for Riverwalk. The attached photo shows the designated cut-and-fill area. Fill soils were observed to be light tan, sandy silts. Soil moisture contents were high due to recent heavy rains. Our representative noted that soils were being placed in 36-inch lifts. The contractor was notified to reduce the lift size to 6 – 12 inches.  Compaction results for the top 6 inches of soil placements are shown below.


Compaction test results are shown below:
Wet Density 107.8 pcf
Dry Density 89.8 pcf
Moisture: 20%
Compaction: 90.7%

Wet Density: 109.0 pcf
Dry Density: 90.8 pcf
Moisture: 19.5%
Compaction: 90.4%

Technician Signature / DateVidal Dias, January 10, 2023
Reviewer Name / DateKenneth Mosman, January 29, 2023