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Daily Field Report
Our AS ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING (ASEC) representative visited the site at the client’s request to observe soil placement and measure the soil’s relative moisture content. The soils consist of a light tan, micaceous sandy silt with foliated schist fragments and small boulders. Wilbanks contractors were placing soils in 18 to 24-inch lifts.
The relative moisture was measured within the fill area, and the results are noted below:
1 foot moist%=15.4%
2-foot moist%=14.8%,
3 foot moist%=14.1%.
Three DCPs were performed in the fill area to measure the relative soil strength. DCP Data is noted below:
1- 10- Gray, brown, micaceous, Silty fine to medium SAND with clay.
2- 13- Gray, brown, micaceous, Silty fine to medium SAND with clay.
3- 18- Gray, brown, micaceous, Silty fine to medium SAND with clay.
4- 16- Gray, brown, micaceous, Silty fine to medium SAND with clay.
1- 9- Gray, brown, micaceous, Silty fine to medium SAND with clay.
2- 15- Gray, brown, micaceous, Silty fine to medium SAND with clay.
3- 18- Gray, brown, micaceous, Silty fine to medium SAND with clay.
4- 20+- Gray, brown, micaceous, Silty fine to medium SAND with clay.
1-7- Gray, brown, micaceous, Silty fine to medium SAND with clay.
2- 13- Gray, brown, micaceous, Silty fine to medium SAND with clay.
3- 16- Gray, brown, micaceous, Silty fine to medium SAND with clay.
4- 20+- Gray, brown, micaceous, Silty fine to medium SAND with clay.