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Daily Field Report

Date :02/15/2023
Project No :2022C235
Client Company :Jackson Demolition Service, Inc.
Arrival Time :02/15/2023 06:00
Onsite Hours :10:30
Name of the Project :Plant Gorgas Demolition and Grading
Project Location :460 Gorgas Rd, Parrish, AL 35580
Weather :Cloudy and Rain
Departure Time :02/15/2023 16:30
ASEC Technician Name :Vidal Dias


Our AS ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING, LLC (ASEC) representative Vidal Dias visited the site at the

request of Jackson Demolition representative Josh Kelly. The undersigned representative was present to

observe, verify and document the ongoing project activities.

During the visit, the following observations were made:

  1. The contractor placed 980 square feet of textile fabric in the trench area, located on the south edge of the basement (areas F7 and F8).
  2. Crushed concrete and debris were removed from the trench using a CAT 308 mini.
  3. Five (5) loads totaling 131.79 tons of riprap were delivered. 
  4. Three rolls of textile fabric were placed with a two-foot continuous overlap within the lower half of the basement and two feet up the side wall.  

Photo documentation is included below: 

Technician Signature / DateVidal Dias, February 15, 2023
Reviewer Name / DateRamchandra Mogulla, February 16, 2023