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Daily Field Report

Date :03/28/2023
Project No :2023C111
Client Company :2MATL
Arrival Time :03/28/2023 08:00
Onsite Hours :07:30
Name of the Project :DOA Fiber Infrastructure Improvements
Project Location :HJAIA
Weather :Sunny
Departure Time :03/28/2023 15:30
ASEC Technician Name :Isaac Davis


At the request of the client’s representative, AS ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING, LLC (ASEC) representative, Isaac Davis visited the job site to observe and monitor the contractor’s work activities from a quality stand point to assure compliance with project drawings/specifications, applicable codes, and materials submittals and conducted QC testing per the project drawings and specifications.  The following observations were made on site this shift:

  • Work was being performed in the area of proposed Vault 2 on this day.
  • Vault 2 foundations require an allowable bearing capacity of 1500 psf.
  • The subgrade appeared to be saturated in the top 4 to 6 inches from recent rain events.
  • Bearing soils were assessed utilizing a dynamic cone penetrometer in two locations within the footprint of the vault.
  • Based on the DCP test data the subgrade soils appear to be capable of supporting the required bearing pressures.
  • The upper 4 to 6 inches of the subgrade will need remediation. The contractor was advised to remove and replace the top 4 to 6 inches of soft saturated material with structural fill.
  • The contractor elected to remove this material and replace it with #57 stone all the way to the bottom of footing elevation.

If you have any questions about our observations or recommendations stated in this report we will be more than glad to discuss them with you.

Lot #, North/South/Center etc
DCP 1 (Southeast Corner) DCP LOCATION:
Lot #, North/South/Center etc
DCP 2 (Northeast Corner)
Description Depth
1 17 Red, tan silty fine SAND 1 9 Red, tan silty fine SAND
2 20 Red, tan silty fine SAND 2 7 Red, tan silty fine SAND
3 18 Red, tan silty fine SAND 3 10 Red, tan silty fine SAND
4 18 Red, tan silty fine SAND 4 10 Red, tan silty fine SAND
5 5
6 6
7  . 7


Technician Signature / DateIsaac Davis, March 28, 2023
Reviewer Name / DateRamchandra Mogulla, April 05, 2023