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Daily Field Report
On June 5th, 2023, Issac Davis from AS Engineering LLC visited the site as per the contractor’s request. The purpose of the visit was to inspect the slab and footings of Suncity Lots #42, 64, 65, 67, 68 in Pod 6, and Lot #9 in Pod 22.
During the site inspection, soil investigation procedures were conducted, which included probing each lot. In areas where the probe exceeded two inches, Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) tests were performed. The DCP results confirmed the soil’s structural integrity, indicating an allowable soil bearing pressure of 2,000 psf.
A visual assessment was carried out for the reinforcing steel used in the footings and slabs. The reinforcing steel was observed to be placed as per job specifications for size, spacing and quantity with the following exception:
An inconsistency was identified on Lot #9 in Pod 22. As evidenced in the attached photos, the welded wire mesh and vapor barrier were not placed in accordance with the project specifications. The contractor was promptly informed about this discrepancy and rectifications were implemented on-site before the departure of our team.
For Suncity Lots #42 and 64 through 68, both the welded wire mesh and vapor barrier were found to be placed in accordance with the project specifications.

Lot 42 Pod 06

Lot 64 Pod 06

Lot 65 Pod 06

Lot 67 Pod 06

Lot 68 Pod 06

Lot 09 Pod 22