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- Daily Field Report Report ID: 61025
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Daily Field Report
As requested, our ASEC representative was on site to observe construction activities, specifically, the construction of the welded wire basket retaining wall B. The following were noted:
- Introduction:
This report provides an overview of the construction process and key details regarding the welded wire basket retaining wall at [Carodel Farm@Union Charch Rd]. The construction of the retaining wall followed the project design drawings and specifications. The purpose of this report is to document the construction methods, materials used, and quality control measures employed during the construction of the welded wire basket retaining wall.
- Construction Details:
The retaining wall utilized welded wire baskets, each measuring approximately 18” x 18”. These baskets were installed in accordance with the project design drawings for size, spacing and quantity. The reinforced zone behind the wire baskets extended to a distance of approximately 18 feet, as specified in the project design. The backfill soil was placed in layers of 8 to 10 inches and compacted using a pad foot roller.
- Construction Process:
The construction process involved the following steps:
- Welded Wire Basket Installation:
- Reinforcement and Backfill Placement:
The reinforced zone behind the wire baskets extended to approximately 18 feet. Backfill soil was placed in layers of 8 to 10 inches and compacted. The pad foot roller was used to compact the backfill soils.
- Quality Control Measures:
To ensure the quality and stability of the welded wire basket retaining wall, the following measures were undertaken:
- Testing:
The backfill soil was tested using a nuclear gauge to assess compaction levels. General probing using a 3/8″ diameter probe rod was also conducted.
- Conclusion:
The construction of the welded wire basket retaining wall B at [Carodel Farm@Union Charch Rd] appeared to be constructed in accordance with the project design drawings and specifications. The installation of the wire baskets, placement of backfill soil, and compaction using a pad foot roller were executed and appeared to be installed as per job specifications. Quality control measures, including testing with a nuclear gauge and probing, were employed.
This report serves to document the construction process and quality control measures implemented during the construction of the welded wire basket retaining wall.
For further information or inquiries, please contact [404-322-8501].