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Daily Field Report

Date :09/06/2023
Project No :2023C180
Client Company :Artisan Communities
Arrival Time :09/06/2023 09:00
Onsite Hours :06:00
Name of the Project :Lakeside
Project Location :Calhoun
Weather :Sunny
Departure Time :09/06/2023 15:00
ASEC Technician Name :Vidal Dias



The designated geotechnical engineer from ASEC Engineering conducted a site investigation pursuant to the request of Wilbanks Contractors and Artisan Communities. The objective was to delineate and quantify the topsoil strata encountered during grading activities. Visual and metric assessments were employed for soil characterization.

Topsoil Description

The topsoil stratum predominantly comprised brown clayey soil intermixed with organic material, specifically root matter, and punctuated by the presence of large boulders. The soil characteristics suggest that the area may have previously functioned as a combustion pit or similar disturbed zone (trash pit).

Contractor Operations

Contractor activities involved the excavation of topsoil strata and subsequent staging at a centralized location proximal to the rear boundaries of Pod 2. The dimensions of the staging area are approximately 404 feet in length, 50 feet in width, with a variable height ranging from 6 feet at the southern extremity to 10 feet at the northern extremity.

Visual Documentation

Photographic documentation and labeled site drawings were conducted to supplement the metric and visual assessments. These images and drawings are attached in the appendices to provide a comprehensive understanding of the topsoil conditions and site layout. The areas of interest are highlighted in red on the attached drawing.

Area 2: Geotechnical Findings

Site Localization

Area 2 is situated within Pod 2, abutting the southern boundary of the development site, encompassing lots 023-02 and 022-02.

Metric Data

  • Lateral dimensions: A-B = 85 ft, B-D = 85 ft, D-C = 81 ft, C-A = 65 ft
  • Stratigraphic depth: West side = 7 ft, East side = 15 ft

Volumetric Analysis

  • West Section: 81 ft×65 ft×7 ft=36,645 ft3
  • East Section: 85 ft×65 ft×15 ft=82,875 ft3

Area 3: Geotechnical Findings

Site Localization

Area 3 is localized on the southern boundary within Pod 2, immediately west of Area 2 and in proximity to the stormwater management pond.

Metric Data

  • Lateral dimensions: A-C = 110 ft, C-D = 60 ft, D-B = 117 ft, B-A = 70 ft
  • Stratigraphic depth: Overall = 20 ft, C-D Section = 3-6 ft (average 4.5 ft)

Volumetric Analysis

  • Overall: 110 ft×60 ft×20 ft=132,000 ft3
  • C-D Section: 110 ft×60 ft×4.5 ft=29,700 ft3


Technician Signature / DateVidal Dias, September 6, 2023
Reviewer Name / DateKenneth Mosman, September 17, 2023