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Daily Field Report

Date :09/21/2023
Project No :2023C180
Client Company :Artisan Communities
Arrival Time :09/21/2023 10:00
Onsite Hours :04:00
Name of the Project :Lakeside
Project Location :Calhoun
Weather :Sunny
Departure Time :09/21/2023 14:00
ASEC Technician Name :Vidal Dias


The undersigned ASEC representative was on-site on September 21, 2023, to perform compaction testing on Lots #105 to #112. A soil sample was also taken to perform a Moisture-Density Relationship (proctor) on what is possibly a different material encountered. The objective was to assess the soil conditions and provide engineering recommendations.

Compaction Test Data for Lots 105 to 112

Test Location and Elevation

  • Elevation: 732

Soil Sample

  • A soil sample was taken and will be delivered to conduct a Moisture-Density Relationship.

Test Order and Results

The tests are presented in numerical order; Test 1 corresponds to Lot #105, Test 2 to Lot 106, and so on.

Test 1 (Lot #105)

  • Moisture Content: 18.2%
  • Dry Density: 89.5 pcf
  • Wet Density: 106.7 pcf
  • Degree of Compaction: 92.4%

Test 2 (Lot #106)

  • Moisture Content: 19.4%
  • Dry Density: 90.2 pcf
  • Wet Density: 107.6 pcf
  • Degree of Compaction: 93.0%

Test 3 (Lot #107)

  • Moisture Content: 17.9%
  • Dry Density: 88.7 pcf
  • Wet Density: 105.6 pcf
  • Degree of Compaction: 91.5%

Test 4 (Lot #108)

  • Moisture Content: 18.7%
  • Dry Density: 89.1 pcf
  • Wet Density: 106.8 pcf
  • Degree of Compaction: 92.0%

Test 5 (Lot #109)

  • Moisture Content: 19.1%
  • Dry Density: 90.5 pcf
  • Wet Density: 108.6 pcf
  • Degree of Compaction: 93.4%

Test 6 (Lot #110)

  • Moisture Content: 18.5%
  • Dry Density: 89.7 pcf
  • Wet Density: 106.2 pcf
  • Degree of Compaction: 92.6%

Test 7 (Lot #111)

  • Moisture Content: 19.3%
  • Dry Density: 89.9 pcf
  • Wet Density: 107.2 pcf
  • Degree of Compaction: 92.9%

Test 8 (Lot #112)

  • Moisture Content: 18.9%
  • Dry Density: 88.4 pcf
  • Wet Density: 105.3 pcf
  • Degree of Compaction: 91.2%

Technician Signature / DateVidal Dias, September 21, 2023
Reviewer Name / DateKenneth Mosman, September 24, 2023