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Daily Field Report

Date :12/08/2023
Project No :2022C207
Client Company :Techcon
Arrival Time :12/08/2023 10:00
Onsite Hours :01:30
Name of the Project :CME Church Education Center
Project Location :College Park
Weather :Sunny
Departure Time :12/08/2023 11:30
ASEC Technician Name :Isaac Davis


Report on Jobsite Assessment at UMC Church

Project Overview: The assessment at the UMC Church jobsite involved conducting tests on various sections designated as A/2, C/2, D/2, G/2, K/2, L/2, and the retaining wall for the mechanical room. The specified bearing requirement is 1500 PSF. The footings were filled with #57 stone, followed by approximately 2 to 3 feet of gravel, layered atop the old existing parking lot surface.

Section Analysis:

  • A/2: Excavated to around 1 foot deep; initial DCP testing resulted in a blow count of 12. Further hand augering reached approximately 1 foot 5 inches, followed by Auger Refusal (AR) with the DCP.
  • C/2, D/2, G/2: All sections were hand augered to around 2 feet 6 inches. At 1 foot depth, C/2 received 8 blows, D/2 got 10 blows, and G/2 received 11 blows.
  • K/2 and L/2: Both end sections received blow counts of 9 blows.
  • Retaining Wall for Mechanical Room: With a 2-foot height, the excavation reached 1 foot deep. The first foot resulted in a blow count of 12, while the subsequent foot received 9 blows.

Observations and Compliance: All measurements and tests conducted align within the specified parameters. The excavated sections are scheduled to be replaced with #57 stone as per the specifications outlined.

Conclusion: The assessment indicates that the conducted tests and excavations are in accordance with the specified standards and requirements outlined in the plans for soil bearing pressures. The replacements with #57 stone in the dug-out sections appear to be in line with project guidelines.

Technician Signature / DateIsaac Davis, December 8, 2023
Reviewer Name / DateKenneth Mosman, March 08, 2024