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Daily Field Report

Date :01/18/2024
Project No :2023C111
Client Company :2MATL
Arrival Time :01/17/2024 22:00
Onsite Hours :08:00
Name of the Project :DOA Fiber Infrastructure Improvements
Project Location :HJAIA
Weather :clear night
Departure Time :01/18/2024 06:00
ASEC Technician Name :Isaac Davis


Density Report for Jobsite – RTR Fiber (Tower Duct Bank)

Project Overview: The RTR Fiber jobsite, located between Mike 14 and Mike 12, is undergoing construction of a tower duct bank. The contractor for this project is BBH. The construction involves the excavation of a trench to an approximate depth of 4 feet, followed by the placement of a pre-cast duct bank designed for two-way 4-inch pipes. Each pre-cast duct bank segment measures roughly 1 foot in height and 10 feet in length. After placement, backfilling is done with an approximate 3 feet cover on top of the pre-cast duct bank.

Density Assessment: The density report focuses on key elements such as trench excavation, pre-cast duct bank placement, backfilling, and preliminary test results.

1. Trench Excavation:

  • Depth: The trench was excavated to an approximate depth of 4 feet.
  • Quality: The excavation process aimed to meet the required specifications for the subsequent installation of the duct bank.

2. Pre-cast Duct Bank Installation:

  • Design: The pre-cast duct bank is designed to accommodate two-way 4-inch pipes.
  • Dimensions: Each pre-cast duct bank segment measures approximately 1 foot in height and 10 feet in length.
  • Placement: The duct bank segments were properly positioned within the excavated trench.

3. Backfilling:

  • Depth: Backfilling was performed with an approximate 3 feet cover on top of the pre-cast duct bank.
  • Compaction: The backfilling process aimed to achieve proper compaction to ensure stability and support.

4. Preliminary Test Results (T1 and T2):

  • T1:
    • WD (Wet Density): 108.3
    • DD (Dry Density): 83.8
    • M% (Moisture Content): 29.3%
  • T2:
    • WD (Wet Density): 106.8
    • DD (Dry Density): 81.8
    • M% (Moisture Content): 30.6%

5. Project Progress:

  • Approximately 200 feet of the duct bank has been completed.


  • Trench excavation, pre-cast duct bank placement, and backfilling have been executed according to project specifications.
  • Preliminary test results indicate density and moisture content, with further analysis pending the acquisition of the proctor.

Technician Signature / DateIsaac Davis, January 18, 2024
Reviewer Name / DateKenneth Mosman, March 10, 2024