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Daily Field Report

Date :01/19/2024
Project No :2023C111
Client Company :2MATL
Arrival Time :01/19/2024 08:00
Onsite Hours :04:30
Name of the Project :DOA Fiber Infrastructure Improvements
Project Location :HJAIA
Weather :sunny/cloudy
Departure Time :01/19/2024 12:30
ASEC Technician Name :Isaac Davis


Project Report: DOA Fiber Enhancement Vault #1

Project Overview:

  • Jobsite: DOA Fiber Enhancement Vault #1
  • Contractor: BBH/Athena
  • Concrete Company: Ernst

Concrete Delivery Details:

  • Concrete Trucks: #257 & #253
  • Concrete Volume: 18.10 cubic yards
  • Actual Poured Volume: 18.0 cubic yards
  • Concrete Load Type: 9 Yrd loads
  • Water Addition: Truck #257 added 25 gallons of water at Contractor’s request

Concrete Specifications:

  • Strength Requirement: 3000 PSI
  • Test Results:
    • Slump (S): 2.75 inches
    • Air Content (A): 4.6% (QC), 4.4% (QA)
    • Temperature (T): 60 degrees
    • Unit Weight (UW): 143 lbs/cubic foot

Quality Control and Assurance:

  • The concrete mix meets the specified strength requirement of 3000 PSI.
  • Slump test indicates a workable consistency (S: 2.75 inches).
  • Air content falls within acceptable limits (A: 4.6% QC, 4.4% QA).
  • Temperature as per industry standards (T: 60 degrees).
  • Unit weight is within the specified range (UW: 143 pounds per cubic foot).

Contractor’s Request:

  • Truck #257 accommodated a water addition of 25 gallons as per the contractor’s request.

Conclusion: The concrete placement at DOA Fiber Enhancement Vault #1 by BBH/Athena using concrete from Ernst has been successfully executed. The delivered concrete meets the specified strength requirements and exhibits satisfactory properties according to quality control and assurance tests. The additional water added to Truck #257 was in accordance with the contractor’s requirements.

Technician Signature / DateIsaac Davis, January 19, 2024
Reviewer Name / DateKenneth Mosman, March 10, 2024