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Daily Field Report

Date :01/30/2024
Project No :2022C218
Client Company :CW Matthews
Arrival Time :01/30/2024 07:00
Onsite Hours :03:00
Name of the Project :Ramp 20 Pavement Replacement - IFB-1230102
Project Location :HJAIA
Weather :Sunny
Departure Time :01/30/2024 10:00
ASEC Technician Name :Isaac Davis


Our ASEC representative arrived on site to perform general probing for the end around:

General probed the destinated area with 3/8″ diameter probe rod. Encountered asphalt and recycled GAB at approximately 8 inches and at 1 foot. Undercut several feet with excavator, still encountering GAB.

Technician Signature / DateIsaac Davis, January 30, 2024
Reviewer Name / DateKenneth Mosman, March 11, 2024